It will be great to see everyone in person this year at the 2022 Teaching and Learning with Technology Symposium, but some things will look a little different. With the ongoing pandemic, we are focusing our efforts on the health and safety of our attendees and presenters. This year breakfast will NOT be served, and a boxed lunch will be provided to all those attending in-person. We know the bacon and chocolate cake have been fan favorites over the years but given the current COVID-19 cases in our area, we are taking extra precautions to keep everyone safe. Additionally, the schedule for the day will be posted in Whova, rather than a physical schedule handout. Learn how to download the Whova app.
We also ask our attendees and presenters to follow Penn State’s safety protocols while in attendance at the 2022 TLT Symposium. If you are not feeling well, please stay home and join virtually!
The 2022 TLT Symposium will be a hybrid model with both in-person and virtual options. The TLT Symposium Planning Team has put a tremendous amount of effort into making the event engaging and educational either way you decide to join. The keynote address, concurrent sessions, and the Open Innovation Challenge will be live-streamed so virtual attendees are able to be active participants with those joining in-person. Unfortunately, the virtual component of the TLT Symposium will not include the Discovery Session portion of the day, but we do encourage everyone to engage in the community forums available on the Whova platform.
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NAVIGATE the event agenda and logistics, even without Wi-Fi or data. Access useful information like ridesharing and local attractions through the Community Board
NETWORK effectively. Plan whom to meet by exploring attendee profiles and sending out messages
PARTICIPATE in event activities through session likes, comments, ratings, live polling, tweeting, and more