by djb38 | Nov 21, 2013 | Keynotes
Teaching and Learning with Technology (TLT) is thrilled to announce that the second keynote speaker for the 2014 Penn State Symposium for Teaching with Technology will be Dr. Robbie Melton, associate vice chancellor of mobilization and emerging technology with the...
by djb38 | Nov 18, 2013 | General Information, Sessions
Due to requests from potential presenters, the deadline for faculty and staff to submit proposals to present at the 2014 Penn State Symposium for Teaching and Learning with Technology has been extended to Friday, November 22. This means that if you have been thinking...
by djb38 | Oct 22, 2013 | Focus Groups
This year the TLT Symposium theme is “Engaging the Future and the Culture of Teaching and Learning with Technology,” and the members of the Symposium Team are committed, living it out long before the day of the event. The Symposium is a chance for the...
by djb38 | Mar 11, 2013 | Blogs, General Information, Social Media, Weekly updates
Hi, everyone. It’s Symposium week! Saturday is going to be an amazing day, but we also have some great things planned for Friday as well. Last week we told you about the InnovaTOUR, which is a walking tour of innovative learning spaces at University Park campus, and...
by djb38 | Nov 16, 2012 | General Information, Keynotes
Teaching and Learning with Technology is pleased to announce that author Frans Johansson and George Siemens will be the Keynote Speakers at the 2013 Penn State Symposium on Teaching and Learning with Technology, to be held March 16, 2013 at the Penn Stater Hotel and...